Welcome to my website! My name's Laura. I'm a hobby artist from North Carolina, and I'm using this site to learn HTML.
I also made it to keep an archive of all the stuff I'm up to! I like making things, and I have about
a elementary-school summer camp level of skill in a lot of stuff. Here's my cool swords!

I also like collecting trinkets and treasures. Here's some of the stuff I've got!
I consider myself genderfluid. To me, gender is a big beautiful soup and I am tossing ingredients into it and stirring it like a witch's cauldron.

Womanhood is the stock that forms the base of the soup, but there's a lot of other stuff in there as well. What if Gandalf Big Naturals was butch? Now THAT'S gender!
I'm also bisexual, attracted to all genders. And I'm lucky enough to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world! We met in 2020 and got married in 2024. Because our anniversary is on Leap Day, technically we got married on our one-year anniversary, even though we had been together for four years.

Here's your reward for reading this far: pictures of my cats and some homemade recipes! Click these cool gifs.