Hi my name is Laura and I love cool dragons! Here is my site that I made myself. It's also a little archive for my whole deal! It's optimized for desktop and looks a little janky on mobile.
I have more hobbies than I know what to do with, and one of them is learning HTML. I also like drawing, knitting, embroidering, painting swords, and buying Halloween decorations to keep in my house year-round.
Come click around and see what I've got! The site is currently under construction, but I'm chipping away at it slowly but surely.
The Ruth page is done and the Sonaverse page is now better formatted! I think that in retrospect the scrolling fixed-size div boxes I was using for cast sheets are not the most legible. I'm gonna be updating cast sheets to a column format from now on. Now I just have to update the art for all the Sonaverse characters, and in some cases MAKE the art for them, and also expand the bios and potentially add other graphics. No rest for the wicked!
In personal news, Jude and I recently did a Starbrite presentation for the Reading Rainbow server and it was so fun!!!!! We got to explain everyone's characters and I'm pretty sure we convinced a couple more friends to join us. Hmm, maybe I can cannibalize the presentation for some of the explanations that that page needs?
Also, it's GDQ right now! My wife and I just watched a Crazy Taxi speedrun with a live backing band and it was the sickest thing either of us had ever seen. We're having a nice calm snow day, too. We got three inches!!!! It hasn't snowed here in years, and now it's snowed TWICE in one winter!!! Our roommate, recently moved down from the Midwest, is less impressed than we are, but that won't stop us from declaring ourselves "snowed in" when the roads were clear by the afternoon. Other than that, it's been life as usual around here. Em's been up in Canada and they get home tomorrow- we can finally finish the household Dragon Age Inquisition playthrough! T'HEDAP SWEEP!!!
New landing page graphic! I was going to update it with what I actually look like now (I've had a sidecut and blue hair for more than a year at this point) but I figure that since this site is mostly about my furry stuff, I might as well just update it with my sona. Plus, having another layer of abstraction around yourself when you're on the internet never hurts!
Life updates: I am, predictably, stressed about the holidays. Most years I've got all my shopping done by the start of december but this year I just didn't have it in me. I'm going to the local farmer's market today to see what I can get that's cool. Sorry, most of the people on my gift list, you're getting artisanal soaps and candles this year!
My wife is such an absolute font of strength for me. I spent this morning crying to her and she was so wonderful about it. I'm the luckiest bitch alive.
The Ruth page is nearly done! I've been hunting down art for thumbnails, making up elaborate backstories for how she knows all my friends' sonas, and fictionalizing my own life story to serve as her backstory. It's been fun! Maggie is a bit more removed from me as a person, so she'll be easy to make up stuff for. Also, I've been drawing more again! I really need to wrangle myself into drawing more low-concept stuff instead of constantly pushing myself to always do the most ambitious thing possible. More drawings of Ruth smoking weed are clearly in order.
Life-wise, we just had a really great series of Thanksgivings with my mom and my friends, and I got to cook my ass of and be rewarded with several delicious pies for my trouble. We've still got leftovers! AND most importantly we had snow last night! It's the first time in a couple years that we've gotten anything to stick, even if it was just a powder dusting. Marina got a day off because of it too!
The OC Hub is finally done! I've got all the banners complete!!! It only took me one million years!!!! I'm slowly but surely knocking the "under construction" gifs off of all these pages. And I just knocked a whole section off my Website To-Do List! There are TWELVE whole pages that are fully done, no graphics needed, no muss no fuss. And.... *counts on to-do list* thirty-eight pages to go. Plus more if I get more ideas, and there's always a good chance I will. But hey, that's 24%- that's almost a quarter completely done! Sure, it's just been the easiest ones getting done so far, but I bet I could knock a bunch more out this weekend.
Life updates! Dear Diary, this week we found out that the merit raises they'd promised us at work a few weeks back are actually not happening. They also introduced another stupid metric to measure us by that's out of our control. The way things are going, I've been thinking about taking Nikita up on that accounting crash course. Other than that things have been going good! It's nice to play video games with all four roommates together, and I've been making some banger meals lately. I think if I can keep up at least two hobbies going at all times, I'll be okay ennui-wise. Right now it's website and Starbrite. Save me, magical girls!
Been a minute! I've been working on banners and buttons for the website. I've got the sunset dragons reference page mostly done, graphically speaking, but I want to draw a few more examples of the species before I call it completely done. Oh nooo haha I have to draw more dragons! What a shame! Other than that I've finished the banners for The City and Decaytown. And I've finished archiving Under My Skin! Some day, I swear to god, someday I will finish that fic.
I've got six more OC world banners, three more arts 'n crafts buttons, and an update to my landing page self-portrait. I look a lot cooler now than I did when I first drew that! Similarly, I've updated the sona banner to reflect Ruth's cool new design.
I'm still chipping away at archiving my writing. The Cold Lands writing page is probably the most complete archive so far, which makes sense because it's most of the stuff I've written and saved. I'm kind of dreading going through my Dropbox because I know that's where the really old stuff is, and cataloguing all of it is going to be nuts. But this website is here to archive the good and the bad! I'm sticking with it!
Life-wise, my wife and I just got over a gnarly week-long cold, and right when I got done being sick my period kicked in. It's been at least two years since my last one, which is great, because they are truly apocalyptic when they happen. Sorry for the TMI, but nobody is reading these so it's basically my diary now. I'm spending today curled up with a good book (Small Gods by Terry Pratchett, one of my favorite Discworlds) and picking away at the site. Most of Under My Skin is done getting archived. I swear to GOD I'm going to finish that thing someday. It had some really good ideas.
My wife fixed my laptop!!!! Somehow it had two different display drivers installed and both of them were disabled, so it was running all its graphics off the CPU. Hence the overheating and fucked up brightness. I was considering taking it to a repair shop, I'm so lucky she's so good with computers. Anyway, site updates! I finally have every page formatted on this site. Hooray! *insert confetti gif here*
I think my next steps are going to be going back to archiving all my writing, now that I can look at a white background without burning my eyeballs. That'll be a good lead-up to the actual meat of this site, which is writing up a million words about my ocs. It's going to take forever, but it'll be worth it to finally have somewhere it's all in one place.
It's been a minute! My laptop updated and now I can't adjust the brightness, so it's constantly max brightness and it's been overheating like crazy. Despite that, today I updated the bulk of the remaining pages to the new formats and css sheets. I've got nine pages that are completely done, five pages that are done content-wise but need graphics to be drawn, and thirty-two that are formatted but need content, and three that still need formatting. Plus I'm thinking about figuring out a writing page format that is a little nicer to look at than the plain-jane version I have now.
I didn't do a ton this weekend, but I updated the formatting on the sonaverse cast page. I also made Enna's oc profile page and updated the format on the cold lands/precure/decaytown pages. I think I'm going to focus on making sure all the formatting is up to date before I buckle down on the graphics and actual text of the pages. Mostly because it's easier to do that part when I'm stoned, lol. The hardest part of getting the site to where I want it to be is definitely going to be doing all the writing for plot synopses, character profiles, setting descriptions, etc etc etc. I KNOW all the information, but it's the act of getting it down into a text editor that daunts me. I will be kicking that can forward until the last minute!
Maybe I'll put life updates here too and make it a diary. We just got our newest roommate Serenity a couple months ago and since she ended up choosing a ground floor bedroom that we were using for storage, the office is currently overrun by all the stuff that was being stored. I'm going to go hit up Home Depot soon and get a bunch of plastic totes to put everything in temporarily. The Big Project this house needs to undergo is a weeding-out of all the cruft that's accumulated through years and years of us living here. Roommate turnover definitely contributed to that, we've got old cosplay pieces still in the basement from people who haven't lived here in years. Well, now that Serenity is getting settled hopefully I can get started on that soon! It'd be nice to have the basement more opened up and less full of dusty cobwebbed stacks of things. Also, Mom is going to help me install a new door on the basement entrance, which should help cut down on all the bugs and stuff.
Yesterday I wrangled Ruth's and Maggie's pages some more and get some thumbnails for their galleries. The Sunset Dragons page is pretty much done info-wise, and I'm going to consider it checked off for now, but I want to make a bunch of graphics for the specific bits of anatomy I'm talking about in it. I think most of it can be cropped from existing Ruth pictures. For the rest, I guess I've got to draw a bunch of cool dragons! Oh noooo haha what a predicament!
I've got a .txt file that has every page on this site listed by which ones link to it, like a fun little tree or map. Today I went through and noted down what all needs to be done on each page. Since I have the templates lined up, I noted down which templates I want to use for each one. Hopefully it won't take too long to get everything moved over to the current stylesheet! I also moved a bunch of pages over to the new style. Everything that links directly from the homepage has been changed over. Most importantly, the Ruth and Maggie pages are updated! I've been storing the old pages in another part of the Neocities dashboard just in case (in case of what? who knows!) and I guess I'll delete them eventually. Anyway, the current count of pages that need updating is... 31. I guess I'd better get started!
Today I updated the links page and the cool pics page, and even added some cool new pics to the cool pics page. Still not sure what I'm going to use that for but it'll be a fun corner until I figure it out. I got an oc profile template and chopped it up until it was to my liking. The original thumbnail placecholder images weer all very edgy blood knife skull stuff, which has its place but isn't my vibe, so I replaced them all with a cool dragon image. What can I say! I cannot resist the allure of a cool dragon image.
The reason I got excited about updating thiis site again was that I realized I finally have enough example art to make a good crack at the Sunset Dragon species page without having to draw a bunch of new art. Then I reread the species page and realized that there's a bunch of outdated info in there! My next mission will be to rewrite that and get it up and running soon. Now the only question remains, should it be one column or two....
I'm working on updating this site more regularly! I've got a template to use now and I hope it'll speed up the process of updating the pages. Today I updated the home page and about page and got a new css setup. I've been having fun messing around with it, I think I'm getting better at html (or at least at brute-forcing it until it looks like something I like).