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Eggs and milk. Five seconds to grab. Kat threw one last look at her partners, posted up in the cereal and snacks aisle, arguing in hushed tones about the best poptart flavors. She could leave them alone for a minute. They'd probably be fine. Right?

She had an involuntary flash of memory of the last time they had gotten kicked out of a Babys-R-Us and shuddered. They hadn't even had a reason to be in there- it wasn't like they'd ever be parents- but Noah had wanted to see what Halloween decorations for babies were, and Sunny had gotten into an argument with a woman wearing a WINE MOMS KNOW BEST shirt, and now there was one less place in LeKay they could go.

Well, there wasn't much she could do about it. They'd be fine. She just had to tell herself that while she snuck off from their argument about the merits of Wild Berry™ Pop-Tarts™ they wouldn't burn the store down. The milk and eggs were right around the corner. She picked them up and did not run back to the cereal aisle.

Miraculously, the aisle was intact when she got back. However, when she went to put away her bounty, the entire cart was filled to the brim with every single variety of poptart, plus some off-brand ones. She decided not to comment.

Author's Notes:

Written 8/30/2020. World's shortest little drabble but it's fun to write a couple-paragraph scene every so often.