Ruth is my main sona. Dragons are the coolest type of thing you can be, imho. The second coolest is a dragon rider who has a psychic bond with their dragon. But when it comes to sonas, you just can't beat a dragon.
Ruth is a Sunset Dragon, which is an original species of mine! Her ancestors were semi-arboreal gliding reptiles. That's why she has cool feathers.
NAME | Running Up That Hill | ALIASES | Ruth, Grillmaster |
RELATIONSHIP | Married to Am and RC Mouse. | SPECIES | Sunset Dragon |
AGE | Born in '95. | HEIGHT | 5'4 |
BIRTHDAY | October! | STAR SIGN | Libra |
OCCUPATION | Camp counselor in the summer, yarn store the rest of the year. | PLAYLIST | link |
LIKES | Kissing, group sex, public sex, enthusiastic consent. | DISLIKES | Unsanitary stuff, dehydration, weird smells. |
GENITALS | Cloaca with penis. | LIBIDO | Slightly higher than average. |
Ruth was the first fursona I ever made that really spoke to me. Fun fact, her original drawing was actually a re-use of an abandoned demonsona! I'd drawn a normal human torso, some horns, a tail, then gotten way too detailed into figuring out Deinonychus-style legs. Deinonychus has been one of my favorite dinosaurs since I was four or five years old, so I wanted to get it right! Eventually the legs ended up being way too detailed to fit the normal torso. I abandoned the lineart to languish as one of the many unfinished drawing files on my iPad. It wasn't until later, after having designed Ammyfur for Marina, that I decided I'd better figure out a fursona for good. It had been years since my last genuine attempt. I decided to salvage the sketch from the demonsona, re-do the torso and tail entirely, and lo and behold, Ruth was born. Her design has undergone a few changes since then, and she's lost the Deinonychus legs because they were too annoying to draw, but she's still the same butch as ever.
Now that I have both Ruth and Maggie, I use Ruth to express more specific parts of my personality and interests than I did at first. She's a little bit of an OC in her own right, even if she is "me" as well. She's the butch side of me, the part of me that dreams of owning power tools and building a shed from scratch. She's what I could be if I was able to hike to my heart's content. And also, she's a fun vehicle for speculative biology! I will never miss a chance to do speculative biology.
I used to be one of those people who hates beer and gets really snobby about it, and then I learned about the beauty of sours and it changed my world foreer. I do not think I could have created Ruth before I understood the wonder and joy of having a beer on the porch. She's a porch beer kind of lady.
Ruth is charismatic and easygoing. She tries her best to make friends with everyone she meets and hands out compliments easily and often. She's a pacifist and tries not to get into arguments if she can help it. She struggled with anger issues in her youth, and it's still something she wrestles with, but she does her best not to let it affect her behavior. She always wants to believe the best in people! Unfortunately this makes her a little too gullible and trusting.
Depending on your definition of "smart," Ruth is either really really smart or dumb as hell. She's good at figuring things out and understanding how they work, but she has a hard time retaining information (unless it's specifically about an interest of hers, like biology or crafting). She doesn't like following instructions and prefers to figure things out her own way. It's for this reason that she hasn't gotten any better at sewing even though she likes it- the patterns are just too fiddly! This love for experimentation makes her an excellent cook, though. She loves nothing more than to cook a big huge meal for all her friends.
Ruth has a hard time sticking to just one hobby on a consistent basis and prefers to bounce between things she finds interesting. On any given day, she might be weaving, knitting, crocheting, painting, building a deck, or making something out of pipe cleaners. She loves her old house because it's always got opportunities to fix something up. She loves working in the yard and finding ways to keep it natural and thriving. Her knees might not be what they used to be, but she can still get down in the mud and rip up vines with the best of them! You know how dads like having an old beat-up car in the garage to go tinker with every weekend? Ruth is like that with her whole life.
Ruth was born in the 69th most populous city in the Furnited States of Pawmerica. She grew up spending her summers in the Nyappalachian Mountains and developed a love for the outdoors. She did alright in school, and when it came time for college, she pursued a degree in Undecided from a local university. Ruth bounced around from elective to elective, never settling on anything in specific, until she finally scraped together enough credits to get a major in Women's Studies and a minor in Philosophy.
After college, Ruth moved back to her hometown to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She had a few false starts when it came to employment, but eventually settled on a job during the summer at a day camp and a yarn store job the rest of the time. She moved in with Bink, her online bestie, and the two of them adopted a really stupid-looking cat.
Ruth's romantic life had stagnated during college. It took her a few more years to be ready to start looking for long-term romances. When she finally bit the bullet and got on the dating apps, though, she found two connections so intense that she deleted the apps a few weeks later. One was with RC Mouse, who impressed her with impeccable Tetris skills and who she almost knocked out of its chair by asking it about its controversial webcomic opinions on the first date. The other was with Ammyfur, who she shared a kiss with at the end of Face/Off and who she fell in love with as she watched her demolish an entire hoagie in under five minutes. It turned out, after a series of Shakespearian comedies of errors, that the two were actually roommates, and once they had both started dating Ruth it wasn't long before the two of them admitted the feelings they'd had for each other for a long time. Polyamory ensues, and four years later so does a wedding. The three of them have been in wedded bliss ever since.
MUSIC TASTE | The Chicks, Janelle Monae, Fleetwood Mac, Outkast, Cascada. |
HOBBIES | Knitting, playing the banjo, hiking, duct tape crafts, smoking weed, hammock naps. |
CAR | Forest green 2006 Subaru Outback named "Karla." |
ABILITIES | Became a shapeshifter when she was 20 from a spell she found on the Internet. |
HAIR COLOR | Naturally brown, dyed white. |
OUTFITS | Flannel, comfortable jeans, Converse, hiking boots, Crocs, homemade tank tops, muscle tees, sweatpants, cargo shorts, and Hawaiian shirts. |
DRINKS OF CHOICE | Wine coolers, Cheerwine and cherry vodka, hard seltzers. |
RC Mouse and Ruth met on a dating app. When Ruth came home from their first date her roommate asked how the date went, and she responded "I'm going to marry her." Four years later she was proven right! The two have been madly in love for many years now and plan to spend the rest of their lives together. Happy wife, happy life!
Am and Ruth also met on a dating app, albeit one that was more for hookups than serious relationships. After a first kiss that came right after the movie Face/Off, though, they knew they had something everlasting. The fact that Am and RC Mouse already knew each other was a bonus! The two of them started dating soon after they both made it formal with Ruth, and their wedding was something to behold.
Maggie and Ruth grew up next door to each other, seemingly very different children who nevertheless spent almost all their free time together. They grew apart in high school, going down very divergent paths, but reconnected after college when they both moved back to their hometown.
Violet was friends with Am and RC Mouse before she met Ruth, but the call of the weirdo bisexual is strong, and she and Ruth bonded over a shared childhood growing up watching Loamstar Runner (in the furry universe, Homestar Runner is about worms).
Bink and Ruth were Tumblr mutuals for years before they ever messaged each other, but once they did (on Skype! y'all remember SKYPE?) they swiftly formed the kind of friendship you usually only see between soldiers dying in the trenches. When Bink wanted a new start, Ruth drove seventeen and a half hours across the country to get them, and they've been living together ever since. Ruth even got to give Bink away when they got married!
Ruth and Sunny met at a local antique fair. Sunny asked Ruth to get him a porcelain carousel horse from the top shelf, and the two of them struck up a conversation about antiquing and collecting items. They discovered a mutual interest in collaborative storytelling and they've been playing touys ever since. For some of their best work, check out Starbrite!
Ruth's love of backyard chickens and knitting led to an excess of product and nowhere to put it, so she started selling knitwear and eggs at the local Pawmer's Market. Her booth happened to be next to a wolpertinger selling jelly candies shaped like gems and charms. The two of them bonded over a baker at the market who they both hated for petty and gossipy reasons. Their stalls formed a mighty alliance and they now have a friendship forged in fire.
As a child, Ruth was drawn to a lake in her town that was said to be haunted. If you listened closely on foggy nights, you could hear a ghostly song from the center of the water. Ruth wasn't afraid of the rumours, though, and decided to find the source of the song herself. When she finally found the siren, and saw it singing its melancholy call from the misty waters, only one thought was in her mind: I have GOT to take that guy to Hot Topic. She did, and the two of them have been playing wolves and painting each other's nails ever since.