Maggie is my secondary sona! I have always liked unicorns (shouts out to the Unicorns of Balinor series) and at one point as a kid I had a whole section of my bookshelves devoted just to unicorn books. But you know what's cooler than one horn? TWO HORNS. BICORN SWEEP!!!
As I've developed them, Maggie and Ruth have come to represent different facecs of myself. Maggie is a lot more aspirational than Ruth, for one thing. She knows a lot about music, goes to all the cool parties and does all the cool drugs, and hooks up with whoever she wants. Also she can cast spells. God, I wish I could cast spells.
NAME | December Magic | ALIASES | Maggie, Wizard School Dropout |
PRONOUNS | She/it/they | GENDER/ORIENTATION | Genderfluid, Bisexual |
RELATIONSHIP | Nothing serious, just hookups. | SPECIES | Bicorn, Wizard. |
AGE | Wouldn't you like to know! | HEIGHT | 5'2 |
BIRTHDAY | Whenever the winter solstice is. | STAR SIGN | Wizards have different, secret ones. |
OCCUPATION | Full Time Sex Wizard. | PLAYLIST | work in progress |
INTO | Bondage, transformation, consensual mind control | NOT INTO | Feeder stuff, noncon, feet, scat/piss |
GENITALS | Big Nasty Horsecock | LIBIDO | YEAH!!!!!!!!!! |
Maggie's number one design inspiration is a unicorn figurine I had as a child that was all white except for its hooves, muzzle, and the tips of its mane and tail, which were blue. I was obsessed with the design of that thing- it was so minimalist, yet effective! You couldn't call Maggie's design minimalist but I think the inspiration still shines through. Other inspirations include wizards painted on panel vans, unicorn illustrations from storybooks, and rave furry drawings from the early 2000s.
Maggie is a more aspirational sona, so as opposed to Ruth, who dresses pretty much like I do IRL, Maggie dresses the way I would if I had infinite time and money. She likes crop tops, Tripp pants, flowing robes, mesh, and fingerless gloves.
Similarly to how I couldn't have come up with Ruth without appreciating the humble porch beer, Maggie would not have been possible without the power of Doing Drugs Regularly. Yet another win for Doing Drugs Regularly!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.
December Magic, aka Maggie, was born in the 69th most populous city in the Furnited States of Pawmerica. Her parents divorced when she was young, and as an only child without a lot of friends, she spent most of her time reading at the local library. In the furry utopia of our imagination, magic is real, and Maggie found herself drawn to wizardly studies at a young age. She was more interested in practical applications of magic than she was in studying its theory or history. She was twelve when she created her first original spell.
Maggie seemed destined for a life of wizardry. Her parents approved, hoping it'd mean she'd have a steady job and they wouldn't have to worry about her trying to become a full-time comic book artist like she'd been threatening to do for years. She enrolled in the honors program at her high school and got into a fairly prestigious universirt that was famous for its wizarding program. Unfortunately, the slew of mental health issues that Maggie had been refusing to address up until then all came crashing down on her. Maggie barely passed her freshman year, and she felt like she spent the rest of her college years making up for it in an effort to keep her average GPA high enough to attend Wizardly Grad School.
Maggie eventually graduated with a major in Generalized Spellcraft and a minor in Women's Studies. She entered her graduate degree determined to make a name for herself by any means necessary. However, her efforts were destined to come to naught. Maggie began advocating for untested theories related to a fringe science within a solidly-established field. After a particularly heated debate at a grad student mixer escalated to an unsanctioned wizard duel that resulted in the destruction of the Dean's prize azaleas, Maggie was asked to leave the graduate program. She returned to her hometown with a degree and a half and not much else to show for it.
Maggie found a job at the library attached to the local university. It was a well-funded school that would have been on her short list in high school if it wasn't fifteen minutes from her parents. She found a love for archival work, as it kept her brain busy enough to keep from plotting revenge on her former graduate advisors. She kept working on magic, though. She found that she enjoyed it much more without having to fit her experiments into a grander framework of established theory and without the pressure of making a name for herself through them. She bought a panel van, got really into drugs, got a hot roommate, and started DJing to pick up a little extra cash. Now Maggie lives in a wizard tower built on the outskirts of town with KP. One of its doors goes to the inside of her garishly-painted panel van, which she keeps parked at the university and which features a wraparound mural of a bad ass wizard shooting lightning at an evil demon who has her boobs almost out. The wizard also almost has its boobs out. It's awesome.
MUSIC TASTE | Kate Bush, Evanescence, Nine Inch Nails, Weather Report, Bauhaus. |
HOBBIES | Making potions and trying them on her friends, pixel art, DJing at Club Technochocolate. |
CAR | Airbrushed panel van that has a magic portal to her wizard tower. |
ABILITIES | Has actual literal magic powers, but dropped out of Wizard Grad School for her unorthodox sex wizard approach. |
HAIR COLOR | Naturally purple. |
OUTFITS | Crop tops, mesh shirts, Tripp pants, Demonias (for horses), Crocs, black booty shorts, corsets, skinny jeans, and wizard robes. |
DRINKS OF CHOICE | Potions, Faygo and whipped cream vodka, 4Lokos. |
Maggie and Ruth grew up next door to each other, seemingly very different children who nevertheless spent almost all their free time together. They grew apart in high school, going down very divergent paths, but reconnected after college when they both moved back to their hometown.
RC and Maggie met online on a video game forum and were shocked to find out that they lived in the same town. They found common ground over appreciation of video games, cool drugs, and sloppy makeouts.
Maggie met Ammyfur through RC Mouse and they were at the club together the very next day. They're both very high-energy in the same way, and love to find out new ways to express their affection.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur non augue nec felis pellentesque sodales eget vel lacus. Maecenas eget cursus leo, et ultricies arcu. Sed at nisl non eros suscipit egestas sollicitudin a lorem. Etiam nec pulvinar libero. Phasellus eu sodales risus, ac varius nunc. Sed placerat tempus risus et porttitor. Duis a ipsum mi. Donec in nisi sapien. Praesent viverra, lorem ac ultricies malesuada, felis eros ultricies nisl, vitae mollis elit risus nec est. Curabitur nunc massa, feugiat a sapien at, posuere ultrices libero.